New Pet Portrait Purchase Options

I’m excited to offer pet portraits in a few new formats, allowing me to include physical products with your digital portrait order, and making your overall checkout process faster, easier, and more streamlined! This comes along with lower prices for the new year!

To take advantage of these new purchase options, check out my Etsy Storefront where you can choose from three options (and more to come)!:

All shop listings include free shipping, as well as a high resolution digital portrait file you can use and share with family and friends.

COMING SOON - more portrait styles?

Yes, quite possibly! I’m playing with some new pet portrait styles that I’m excited to share, and I’m offering 5 free photos to the pet models who help me practice! There is still one spot left, so now is the time to message me and submit your pet to get a free work of art!

Seeking Pet Models

This new portrait style will be revealed in February!

Is there a style you’d like to see me try? I’m always looking for new ideas to inspire me, so don’t hesitate to let me know below what your pet portrait fantasy is! I want to help you realize your pet portraiture needs.